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Linting Lake is a tour of Deli Serdang in North Sumatra that shows the uniqueness of the lake with warm water, changing colors of the water and the natural charm of the surroundings which is a sight to behold. Unlike most other tourist lakes, it turns out that the origin or original cause of Linting Lake remains a mystery to researchers. Lake Linting can be a recommended weekend destination. The atmosphere is comfortable, calm, combined with the enchanting orchestration of the surrounding nature. And here is the Linting Lake information that we have prepared for you as the first reference to determine the tourist attractions in Deli Serdang when the holiday season begins.
The Mystical Story of Telaga Linting Don't be surprised if most of Indonesia's tourist attractions always combine their charm of beauty with mystical or mysterious stories, legends, history. It should also be understood that mystical stories, or as they are commonly called, can be a special attraction for visitors who come, especially to arouse curiosity. The same goes for Linting Lake. The mystical history of Linting Lake is related to the presence of invisible creatures in the Linting Lake tourist area, causing some visitors to disappear while swimming, only to meet them a few days later.
However, if we look at it from a scientific point of view, why a corpse floats on the water after several days under water, it is caused by the principle of air. From various sources we have collected, the process of decomposition of germs or batteries in the body can produce large amounts of air. Thus, the body that was originally in the water gradually rises to the surface of the water. The scientific explanation is not included in the framework of denying values ​​that has been developed so far, this explanation is just another way of looking at a story.

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