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culinary extreme nail curry, but not the culinary one


typical of Padang for being one of the most hunted. Which? This typical Minang cuisine has a strong flavor of spices, thick, savory and spicy seasonings. Not surprisingly, restaurants are popping up all over Padang. In fact, not a few try to serve restaurant-style Padang food, even at home. Not just rendang, other Padang menus such as omelets, various balads, and various curries are often served as comfort food. Especially for those who love Padang cuisine,
Padang restaurants often offer satay, soto or vegetable lozenges in addition to various popular menus. Uniquely, this Padang Vegetable Ketupat only uses Paki Paki Vegetables or also known as Kukui Kuku. Not only does it taste good, but it is also nutrient-dense because the ingredients it is made from contain a lot of nutrients. This fern plant is a type of vegetable that is very easy to find in West Sumatra.
This plant thrives in swamps. Also on all types of terrain, such as water, trees and cliffs or river banks. It is very easy for people to find this plant, of course it would be a shame if it was not used, right? The surrounding community then uses it to process it into delicious dishes, and of course, it is high in nutritional value. However, keep in mind that not all ferns are edible. Of the many types of ferns, those that grow around cliffs or river banks are useful and safe to eat. Usually the young stems or leaves are fried or seasoned. The vegetables are taken directly from where you live. Then the vegetables are thoroughly washed and fried in special spices.

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