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Nature tourism destinations in Kapalo, Banda, Payakumbuh, Indonesia


The nature tourist destination of Kapalo Banda or what is often called Wakanda is one of the most visited nature tourist destinations in the Fifty Cities. Kapalo Banda Tourism is located in Jorong Tanjuang Ateh, Nagari Taram, Harau District, Fifty Towns District, West Sumatra. This resort property in Kapalo Banda is located about nine kilometers from the capital of the district of Fifty Cities or about eight kilometers from the city of Payakumbuh. Surprisingly, this Kapalo Banda Tour is professionally managed by featuring various types of sightseeing tours as well as good facilities and infrastructure to support the comfort and safety of the visitors. This Kapalo Banda tour not only uses Wakanda as the name of the place,
but actually preserves its natural beauty. There are hills, rivers and trees that make the environment look more pleasant and fresh. In this place you will find baths for adults and children, rides on bamboo rafts to cross the river while taking pictures, go through the pine forest, enjoy the Sarosah Tujuah Tingkek waterfall, and there is a campsite and the most beautiful peak, Wakanda Peak. . So for those visiting Wakanda, there are various tour packages that you can enjoy. Group tour first, this package provides entrance fees, bamboo raft rides, pine forest exploration, visits to Lubuak Sarimun, Buayan Tapian Puti, as well as lunch, bottled water, unforgettable photos (no old memories huh) and items.
This group tour package costs IDR 200,000 for five people in a group for a day visit. Second, a camping package that includes a camp, land above the clouds, pine forest exploration, bamboo rafts, Compo Simpang Duo pool with power, dinner, breakfast, lunch, guide, photos and unforgettable items, the price is IDR 500,000 for 5 people for a duration of two days.

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