This Patokan beach is located in Jiko Village, Nuangan District, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province, from the direction of the capital city of East Bolaang Mongondow Regency, namely Tutuyan, about 15-20 minutes by road by motorcycle or car. The beauty of this reference beach is found in 2 large cliffs that flank a white sand beach with very clear waves and is very well preserved for its beauty, visitors can also see the open blue sea between the rocks and cliffs that adds to the warm impression. when you stay on this beach. along with strong sand cliffs that surround part of the beach. No wonder if you seem to be in a white sand cave from the top of a cliff, the sand surface is very smooth and white and the crashing waves make visitors even more hysterical enjoying the thrill of the charm of this beach. This Patokan beach offers visitors or tourists extraordinary natural settings, for those who like adrenaline and are fond of diving, this beach may be the right alternative for their tour, as well as for those who are fond of sailing. so you don't need to doubt this beach to travel because until you are here tired it will reward you with the beauty of this beach.
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