Mount Nona is located in Enrekang Regency, a district that tourists pass through when they want to visit Tanah Toraja. The distance is about 274 km from Makassar, South Sulawesi, if you intend to come or take a vacation here, the time you need is about 1.5 hours to reach Mount Nona. Usually, the shape of a mountain is like a cone, but this mountain can be said to be unique from the shape of a mountain in general. The uniqueness of Mount Nona is its shape that resembles a female vagina and it is said that this mountain is the only one in the world that has such a shape. maybe because of the shape of the uniqueness of this mountain that makes tourists want to see it directly and it becomes a tourist attraction in itself. Mount Nona Tourism is perfect for those of you who want to find a peaceful environment while enjoying the mountainous nature of Toraja's natural landscape. This is a suitable place for local tourists or foreign tourists and you can also camp here with your own tent. When the morning comes you can see the sunrise on Mount Nona which is very beautiful. The location of this tourist spot itself is very strategic. Exactly on the Trans Sulawesi route, Tanete Village, Anggeraja Enrekang Regency, so your fatigue will pay off in the morning.
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