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Segero Peak in Gunung Kidul Governorate of Yogyakarta is one of the most popular tourist spots in Yogyakarta.

Located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level, tourists can enjoy beautiful views from the top of the mountain.

The beauty of Puncak Segero naturally fascinates you.

This mountain dominates the Indian Ocean and offers visitors an unforgettable panorama.

Also, this peak is surrounded by a very green pine forest, which is a place for tourists who want to enjoy the fresh and natural air.

There are many things to do on this tour. You can take the hiking trail to reach the top.

Walking up the mountain takes about 2-3 hours. During the climb, you will enjoy the morning sun and views of the beauty of the pine forest.

Once you reach the top, you will be in awe of the beauty of nature that surrounds you.

The surrounding verdant mountains can be seen from afar, while the sea and southern coastline are some of the most beautiful in Indonesia.

Tourists can also enjoy the beautiful panorama at sunset, which gives a romantic impression to visiting couples. In the afternoon, the environment is also conducive to picnics with the family.

The cool breeze and the beautiful natural panorama will pamper you. Also, the cool and shady environment during the day makes Segero Peak a popular campsite for tourists.

In addition, there are support facilities such as rest areas, restrooms, restaurants, and parking lots to satisfy tourists.

No wonder this place is visited by more and more tourists every year.

We hope that visitors can maintain the cleanliness and beauty of nature while visiting this tourist spot.

Administrators must also ensure that the environment is kept clean and free of junk.

Therefore, the beauty of Segero Peak can be forever remembered by all tourists.