Mount Halau-Halau is often referred to as Mount Besar, which is a sacred mountain to the Meratus Dayak people. This mountain is one of the seven peaks of Meratus and is divided into three districts namely Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency and Tanah Bumbu Regency. Aside from Halau-Halau, there are several mountains that are also popular with rock climbers or nature lovers, such as Mount Hauk in the Regency area. Balangan, Mount Periuk in Hanntak, Hulu Sungai Tengah and Mount Kahung and Mount Aur Bunak in Banjar Regency, each of these mountains has a different natural phenomenon, but there is no mistaking the beauty of each of these mountains for you to enjoy. At the top of this mountain is a large tree that is sacred to the local people, this tree is said to be a Kariwaya tree or a type of tree that resembles a banyan tree. This tree has large drooping roots that extend downward. The interesting thing about this tree is that its trunk is hollow, so it looks like a big door for humans to go through. To the right and left of this tree are thick bushes as if resembling mosquito nets, but actually the scenery around this tree looks normal, but if you look closely at the tree, it looks scary and very scary. The people of Meratus Dayak often meditate on this tree to obtain certain mystical ideas, such as for the treatment or cure of diseases that are outside of medical science.
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