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CIPARAY CURUG OR CASCADA DE CIPARAY, with a tourist destination, two tourist attractions will be presented to you at the same time


Ciparay Waterfall or in other words Ciparay Waterfall, this waterfall is found in two areas, the first one is in the Bogor area of ​​West Java and the second one is in Tasikmalaya, but even though it has the same name, the status of the Water is clearly different, but each has its own specialties. this time we will talk about Ciparay waterfall in Tasikmalaya, a must-visit waterfall, apart from its natural beauty, this tour can be said to be cost-effective, unlike the general, the cost of tourism is very expensive, but you don't have beautiful natural landscapes.
there is something that almost escaped me, besides being able to enjoy the view of the waterfall, you will also find here a very beautiful lake, with a bluish-green color, but you have to be careful, in the sense of the word calm it does not mean that not be dangerous, this lake is said to have very fast eddy currents, therefore swimming in the lake is prohibited because it will endanger tourists, and only enough to take pictures and enjoy the view of the lake. this Ciparay waterfall is estimated to have a height of about 70 meters, with a waterfall that has a height of 70 meters, making the water flow here very strong and fast,
a good thing for you to get a taste of adrenaline here. You can visit Ciparay Waterfall from the capital city of Tasikmalaya Regency viz H. To Singaparna, proceed to Sariwangi and then Cidugaleun village.