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The miracle of the Sulawesi deer pig: its uniqueness and the danger of extinction.
Enjoy the beauty of Trikora Beach on Bintan Island – a hidden paradise in Indonesia
Discovering the tradition of finger cutting of the Dani tribe in the Baliem Valley,Papua
Exploring the daily life of the Sakai tribe: Guardians of nature in Riau
The natural beauty of Ciumbuleuit Peak and its natural atmosphere
The Beauty of Senggigi Beach, West Lombok: Panorama and Beauty of Marine Biota
Specialties of the Kubu tribe of South Sumatra in everyday life!
Mentawai Tribe: Preserving traditions in the midst of change!
Korowai Tribe: Preserving traditions in the middle of the Papua forest!!
The existence of the Papuan Asmat tribe in the eyes of the world;
The sincere hospitality of the Papuan Dani tribe towards the newcomers;
Authentic Indonesian Cuisine: Combro
Sangiran Early Human Site: Indonesia's Archaeological Treasure.
Mentawai Islands Attraction Tourist Attractions
Bori Kalimbuang Site: vestiges of the Toraja megalithic culture.
Cultural Wonders of Toraja: Rambu Tuka Ceremony for Tourists
Flying Lizard (Draco volans): a species unique to Indonesia
The meaning of Nyepi Day in Bali and what not to do
Discover the wonders of the Bird of Paradise: the beautiful natural charm of Papua
Rain Charmer: A unique Indonesian tradition.
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