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unforgettable charm, Bukittinggi Clock Tower: the city of a thousand visits

 The Bukittinggi Clock Tower is a timeless symbol of the city.

Standing proudly in the middle of Jalan Ahmad Yani, this large clock is a silent witness to the history of the city of Bukittinggi.

Maybe for some people, the Bukittinggi Clock Tower is just an old building, which is an old clock by the way.

However, the Bukittinggi Bell Tower provides immeasurable appeal in words alone.

It has a long history and is very proud of the local people.

transitional mosque.

If we talk about the Bukittinggi bell tower, it cannot be separated from its rather unique origin.

Initially there was a mosque on this site called the Bukittinggi Great Mosque, which is located in the center of the old city.

Built in 1860 by Paduka Rajo Abdul Azis to meet the worship needs of the local community.

Around 1906, when Sultan Muhammad Hatta ruled this area, there was a project to build a new chapter house or town hall in Bukittinggi. The location for the construction of the new Town Hall is the same as the location of the Bukittinggi Grand Mosque in the center of the old city. Therefore, in 1926, the Bukittinggi Grand Mosque was moved to its current location, namely Jalan Pemuda.

After being moved, the old building that became the Old Town Hall was left empty. Then, in 1928, Dipty Latief, a young architect of Minangkabau descent, took the initiative to turn the old building into a giant clock that would become a symbol of the progress of the city of Bukittinggi.

minangkabau size.

The construction of the Bukittinggi Clock Tower began in 1928 and was completed in 1930.

The building is 26 meters high and 13.65 meters wide.

The main materials of the Gadang clock are wood and boards.

The current movement mechanism comes from the Dutch company Nederlandsche Klokkengieterij-En Smidse A/H Petit & Fritsen and is used in this watch.

Also, typical Minangkabau carvings are hung on twisted poles.

As we know, this carving is part of the traditions and culture of the Minangkabau people, which is considered one of the most important cultures in Indonesia.

This large clock also has four statues representing the four seasons.

The first statue to change was that of a human holding a pole.

This image symbolizes summer.

Then there is the buffalo statue that symbolizes the rainy season. This image has the same proportions and dimensions as the human image.

Then there is a statue of a cow that symbolizes the dry season.

This statue is smaller than the buffalo and human statues.

The final image is that of a dragon, which symbolizes spring.

A symbol of progress and pride for the people of Bukittinggi

Over time, the Bukittinggi Clock Tower has become a symbol of the progress of the city of Bukittinggi.

For local residents, this watch seems to be an integral part of their lives.

In addition, there is a thermometer and a barometer in the Bukittinggi Clock Tower, which is of course very useful for life.

Not only local residents, tourists visiting the city of Bukittinggi should also not miss the Bukittinggi Clock Tower.

Sometimes they not only take photos or selfies with this huge building, but also wait until midnight to enjoy the ringing and pealing of the bells.

Of course, the splendor of the beauty of the Bukittinggi Gadang Watch comes at a price. Maintenance, maintenance and restoration must be carried out.

It is not uncommon for the regional government of the city of Bukittinggi to allocate a considerable budget for the maintenance of this clock.

Even today, the Bukittinggi Clock Tower is the center of attention and pride of the people of Bukittinggi.

All the memories and history embedded in it help to ensure that the Bukittinggi Clock Tower never fades from memory.

The symbol of the Bukittinggi community that also won the hearts of foreign tourists visiting the Bukittinggi resort town.

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